Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Photo Contest

Action Photography Entry 3:
Playing in the leaves as the wind blows! Abstract for sure, but I love the effect it has!

Action Photography Entry 2:
Leaves blowing on a windy day!

Action Photography Entry 1:
I am starting to get the courage to post some pics to photography contests...I suppose I must start somewhere if I am ever going to knock any items off of my bucket list so here is my first entry. This was the day after Hurricane Irene passed through Charleston, SC where my brother lives and often surfs and I found it rather comical just how many sitting ducks I caught waiting for that perfect wave!

Monday, January 17, 2011


Man, are we having a day here in the Downam household or what!? I have a serious case of the "Mondays" now too! Cooper decided, oh yesterday, that he is too big of a boy to take two naps and his morning nap is out! Yes, the child hasn't yet turned one, yikes! So naturally, he would begin teething in full-swing at this point too! One bottom tooth cut through over the weekend and I feel two more poking through right now, just barely! Three teeth, possibly four of his first teeth at one time, yikes! Cole also thinks he's too big to take his one afternoon nap for the past few days too, yikes! At this point they have both been in their rooms well over an hour and neither of them is sleeping! Cole also refuses to go pee pee on the potty although he loves hearing the potty dance and pointing to his bum and letting me know that there is "poo poo in 'eyer mommy!" Ayayayay! To brighten this up a little let me just help you get over your case of the mondays....there is a giveaway for this awesome detergent over at the leaves of my tree blog! I am for some reason unable to put the link in here...but you can also find the link through her facebook page...just go "like" leaves of my tree! And the detergent doesnt have to just be used on cloth diapers....if you want to go eco this new year....wash all your loved threads in it! They'll smell nice, you'll be erasing your carbon footprint, and your clothes will be insanely clean!

Monday, November 22, 2010

Fall Fun in our FuzziBunz!

Going Green!

So I have dabbled in the cloth diapering here and there for the last 6 months...but I have gone full time cloth in the last 2 months! I love it! I have to wash clothes all day everyday...so it is nothing extra or painstaking for me to wash diapers! It's no different that the disposable....except that it saves us $160 a month, better for the boys' bums, and won't sit in a landfill for the next 80 yrs! Brad isn't completely on board...he hasn't figured out that he really doesn't have to do anything with most of the diapers except throw them in the washing machine.. and other than that he can just leave it for me...I will do the spraying-if its needed! I also in the last few weeks have made our own laundry detergent for 10 cents a load! Oh yes I did! I made several snack and sandwhich bags that are reusable using a vinyl shower curtain and some fabric remnants that I had...so plastic/throw away is no more! I am also making my own wipe solution and wiping with nice hemp washies! The boys think its so fun and so do I! I still have much more I need to get done to consider myself completely green...but I think we've done well to start with! If you're interested in the whole cloth diaper deal and think I must be insane... it is the year 2010 and modern cloth diapers are not what you think! They are amazing, easy, and adorable! Check out all the products over at kellyscloset.com. I always order from them. They have the best customer service, are extremely helpful whether you order or not as to greener aspects of life, and unbelievably fast processing and shipping...and if you spend $50 its free anyway! Love Kellyscloset and the diapershops gang! Pics of the boys in their cloth dipes to come!

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Try Again

Well, I have decided to try to get my blog going again! My two boys keep me on my toes and blogging got put to the wayside....however I am ready to give it another go! Cole is now 2 1/2 and Cooper is 9 months! We have alot of fun all day long! We have recently moved back to our home state of South Carolina. While we are much closer to family...we are still in a new place and getting used to a new life! Base life here is much different and I never thought I would say it, but I definitly took some Nebraska ideals for granted... amazing pumpkin patches, decent malls, zoo, sports, free child development centers, target, and a large base with lots of family functions. We are working with Cole on potty training although it is very slow going. Cooper is starting to edge his way along the furniture walking....so I dont think it will be too long til he is chasing his big brother around the house!

Monday, August 4, 2008

Cole's Growing So Fast!

Okay so Cole has decided lately that he loves to swim, laugh, and click his lip! He is such a silly boy but he really makes his mommy laugh!

Thursday, June 26, 2008

Oh what a day!

Today is almost unbelievable! We were supposed to leave for Arizona today to go visit family and have a wedding reception....but oh no! We hit traffic on 75 and were at the airport by 8:00am...our flight was to leave at 8:20...but did they let us on it?....NO! The airport people were not nice about it at all! So we get to pay another $200 to leave tomorrow morning! So not only do we have to spend more money on the trip, but we get to spend less time with family now! ughh! Thank goodness Cole was very well behaved through the whole ordeal! It must have worn him out too because he has been out alot this afternoon!